Blueberry Matcha Tea (60g) | matcha green tea Promo Offer
Blueberry Matcha Tea (60g)
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Est. Price: $29.99 /
Est. List Price: $39.98
Product Rating: 4.8
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Blueberry Rich diet anyone? Being very good anti depressants, Blueberries keep you fresh, active, sharp, fit and in a good mood. Researchers have shown that blueberries contain pterostilbene, anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, resveratrol, flavonols, and tannins, which inhibit mechanisms of cancer cell development and inflammations. Similar to red grapes, some blueberry species contain significant levels of nutrients in their skins. Blueberries hold the highest antioxidant capacity of all fresh fruit: being very rich in anti oxidants like Anthocyanin, vitamin C, B complex, vitamin E, vitamin A and copper (a very effective immune builder and anti-bacterial). Boosting your immune system and preventing infections. Blueberries also offer the following benefits to name a few : Assist in preserving vision, Help with constipation & digestion, Help fight against cancer, Keeping your brain healthy, Help to prevent heart disease. The ability to dissolve “bad cholesterol” and all those anti oxidants make Blueberries a perfect dietary supplement to aid with many heart diseases. Blueberry Matcha Tea, using only the best 100% pure Matcha Tea. Our Blueberry Matcha Tea flavors and health benefits are retained as our raw fruits are freeze dried and ground into powder to offer the best quality.
- 137 x more antioxidants than any other green tea!!!
- Highest Grade – Ceremonial
- Original from Japan!! (not China, Vietnam or Hong Kong)
- The healthiest beverage on the market
- Made from hand-picked shade-cultivated tea leaves
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People said about this Blueberry Matcha Tea (60g)
Oh Myyyyy
Now, I’m a Southern girl through and through, but I’m going to let you in on a little secret…I was born a Yankee. Yup, born in South Bend, Indiana and raised in Michigan until I was ten, when we moved to Tennessee. As a Michigander, I can say with complete confidence that Michigan blueberries are the best blueberries in the entire world. Blueberry season comes around and the state explodes into a world of deliciousness. You can stop at just about any roadside stand and get a ten pound box of blueberries, or you can head out to one of those you-pick places, if you’re feeling particularly energetic (or you’ve got young kids…I’m looking at you, Mom!). Blueberries played a huge role in my childhood. We would snatch up all the blueberries we could during the season and freeze them. Blueberry pancakes, muffins, and cobblers were served all year round, but my favorite blueberry dish was blueberry ice cream. It’s a real complicated recipe, y’all ready? You take frozen blueberries and pour…
Fresh, plump, juicy blueberry Matcha!
Yummeh. Blueberries are not my favorite fruit, but when I opened my package I knew I was going to love this just as much as the mango. The scent was strong blueberry! It reminded me of fruit leather, deep purple, chewy, yummy homemade fruit leather by the hippie auntie I used to have. Ah sense memory, I love it so.
So I whisked up this delight with the plan to make a couple little lattes – one with soymilk, one with almond and one with regular. I don’t know, I just wanted to taste the nuances and find my favorite pairing I guess! Also to see which milk went best with fruit flavoured matcha.
Honestly though, I really enjoyed this one sans milk – just with some sugar. (I also experimented with sweetener, and found I prefer sugar over agave for my matcha).
The froth! I got a crazy amount of froth with no clumps in this batch. I definitely credit the quality of the matcha for that, because my whisk skills are shoddy at best. That’s when I knew I was in for a…
Blueberry Bazinga!
Once again, Red Leaf has managed to create a flavoured matcha that isn’t artificial tasting. However, this isn’t the taste of regular old blueberries. This matcha tastes like wild blueberries. It has a sweet taste but there’s also a strong BLUEBERRY taste!