Royal Jelly Matcha Tea (30g) | matcha green tea Discount !!
Royal Jelly Matcha Tea (30g)
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Royal jelly is collected from domestically kept bee hives. It is derived from head glands located on the worker bees. It is the staple food for all bees in the hive for a certain period of time. After the period is over, all other members of the hive are stopped from consuming it except the queen bee. It also contributes to the development of the female bee into a queen bee. This means that, the more queen bees there are in a particular hive, the higher the amounts of royal jelly. In its powder form royal jelly is vanilla colored and slightly sweet tasting and when mixed with Matcha to form a light beverage delights its drinker’s with its special regal charm. This is a sumptuous drink for any setting and should be enjoyed by all the family members. Royal jelly Matcha is unforgettable in its excellent health rewards. It provides the all the body’s B complex vitamin requirements for B5,B6 and also other vitamins like K,E,D,C, and A. It also provides the body with upto 18 amino acids and nucleic acids. It is known to contain a high amount of essential fatty acids. It contains trace minerals and enzymes that provide antibacterial and antibiotic properties. It fights the spread of auto immune diseases like Graves disorder. It promotes the growth of brain stem cells and glial cells. Studies have shown that it may contribute to the lowering of cholesterol in the body. It also aids smokers whose cholesterol levels are imbalanced due to nicotine consumption. It slows down the formation of tumors.
- 137 x more antioxidants than any other green tea!!!
- Highest Grade – Ceremonial
- Original from Japan!! (not China, Vietnam or Hong Kong)
- The healthiest beverage on the market
- Made from hand-picked shade-cultivated tea leaves